Waihe'e Ridge is on the northeast windward side of Maui. It only took 5 years for us to get around to hiking it. Determined to get an early start, we still somehow slept in. We knew we should get there early because of the parking and distance to be hiked. But bed was so comfortable. And the cats were settled in. Our concession was....okay, we'll drive there, see where it is, and do a bit of it, we don't have to hike the whole thing. No pressure....It's that ridge right over there....view from the studio...with some haze in the air it hard to see that it is four ridges at least away.
The parking lot view told of things to come....we got to start with some cows who responded to my lame "moooing". I also spied their shade tree.
We headed to an old stand of Cook Pines; it was a relatively easy incline as we wove through a grove of trees- gums and guavas. Reminded us of Northern California hikes with the fragrant leaves and dense woods. A gentle breeze helped keep us cool.
At about a mile in, the first of two viewing platforms came into view, and we could see down into the Waihe'e River valley. We heard rushing water and we could see it flowing, but no waterfalls in the view.
This was my spot looking into the valley. (Notice the hair still looks pretty good.)
Looking south is Kahului Harbor, the airport beyond it and the slopes of Haleakala. Water bottle carrier from Disneyland. Yep, this is Disneyland. Beautiful vistas and clouds going by as we continued to slowly make our way uphill. That was not the final viewing platform, we figured it was just around the next bend. It's getting hot. I take in the view as I walk.
At 1.5 miles it's steep and we come through another stand of trees. One tree had fallen across another and they just grew together, both still alive with leafy branches growing up.
The overall hiking trail is only a little more than 2 miles, so we had to be near the top. We pressed on across this saddle, enjoying the scenery; a backward look gave me this vista to the southeast.
The trail got steeper and narrower; we made it to the top viewing platform and picnic table. Ahhh... a rest! Clouds were building and almost obliterated the view across the ridge, out to sea and to Moloka'i. Despite the delay in our start we did it! Got there before all the clouds came in. Looking west over the top of the West Maui Mountains.
And looking southeast.
A bottle of water later we worked our way downhill. It's a 1500 ft. climb. It gave me 14,000 steps by the time were were back. (Notice the hair going native... humid and hot, my lame voice. not rehearsed)
Looking uphill you can see the top of the ridge completely socked in with clouds.
The horse and his trusty Egret bid us goodbye. It was a good hike. Take plenty of water and start early- earlier than we did setting out on the trail at 10 AM. It turned out great anyway.
Keep an eye on my "wet paint" section of my website for the painting to come, and if you have not yet done so, please sign up for my newsletter for progress shots!
#Mauiartist #DianesnoeyAppler takes a #hike into the #clouds with her #husband and gets #artisticinspiration for her next #oilpaintings. No #pleinair for her in this spot, hard enough to #climb with just a #disneyland #waterbottle carrier.